Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The Future of the Groundswell

The of the Groundswell book outlines what the future for the groundswell movement and what it might look like. The day in the life of the ubiquitous groundswell is really not that different than the potential daily routines of millions of people with computers, phones, tablets and other gadgets. The constant updates, tracking, and information feedback help people decide what and how to consume, read, purchase, travel, listen etc. The future that is outlined is determined by the embedding of the groundswell into every activity due to the accelerating nature of technology.

This reality looks a lot like the ways in which many people use their mobile devices and the ways in which we live today. From location tracking to social media and push notifications, we are constantly within reach of information and data about our own patterns, preferences and behaviors. This information has become second nature and we now rely on it for personal choices about purchases or who to friend or date to our professional prospects through sites like LinkedIn or what a quick Google search of one's name might turn up.

Most importantly however, the groundswell is about person to person activity and connections. The most successful media tools, marketing campaigns and digital platforms really seem to adhere to that philosophy by providing an easy, authentic or socially necessary way for people to engage with each other and make connections. I think many marketing campaigns are now reflecting these kinds of perspectives.

With the rise of lifestyle branding, blogs and social media have utilized the idea of  their targeted marketing for clothing, shoes, accessories among others. Celebrities have created their own sites such as Reese Witherspoon's Draper James site, Gwyneth Paltrow's infamous Goop site among many others. This kind of branding certainly reflects the groundswell principle of being opportunistic, as social media particularly Instagram can help these bloggers gain attention and help them build partnerships with brands. While I personally dislike this kinds of blogging and social media posting, I think its clear they occupy a unique space in the groundswell movement.

I think the future of the groundswell will continue to reflect much of the principles outlined in the chapter. I think that social media and digital platforms will need to maintain some if not all of the core principles of connection, opportunity, patience, flexibility, listening, etc to be viable in a competitive and fast paced digital future.

1 comment:

  1. You make good observation about celebrities leveraging their fame into social media/lifestyle/product marketing. They have a innate audience of people who are aware of them, fans, and energized super-fans that can help their presence get started online and expand more quickly. Although I would have to wonder with everything else going on in a celebrity's life, how much do they actively contribute and how much is managed by someone else. Celebrity can be fickle so having a brand/product may make business sense in the long run to help maintain their financial viability.

    On other hand, social media allows someone to come out of nowhere, develop a following, and make a career by being a creator or influencer. There are always stories about singers who broke through on the Internet. Prominent bloggers are being included in commercials and shows, like Project Runway. Future celebrities will be determined more and more by the groundswell.
